Psychotic P***y Podcast
Just two sisters discussing women’s mental and physical health. It's not only our hobby, but our careers. We want to shed light on important topics & teach people new things every episode.
Psychotic P***y Podcast
Beyond the Screen: The Real-World Effects of Online Bullying
What if the world’s most celebrated athletes were being unfairly targeted because of misunderstandings? Today, we tackle the controversy surrounding Algerian boxer Imani Khalif, who clinched Olympic gold amid false accusations by public figures like JK Rowling, Trump, and Elon Musk. Join us as we set the record straight about Khalif's gender and dive into the complex issues of natural genetic advantages in sports. We also discuss the critical need for responsible social media behavior, particularly by influential individuals, and the profound effects their baseless claims have on real people's lives.
Social media has transformed the way we communicate, but at what cost? We examine the troubling rise of internet-fueled bullying and the erosion of civility in modern discourse. The anonymity of social media has given rise to a culture where people feel empowered to share hurtful opinions without consequence. Through personal anecdotes and the de-influencing trend, we highlight the importance of authenticity and self-awareness in a world obsessed with curated online personas. We delve into the mental health implications of public criticism, exploring how influential figures' comments can significantly impact the people they target.
As summer winds down, we shift gears to the joys and anxieties of expecting a new baby. From the comfort of living in a childhood room to the anticipation of beach days and boardwalk adventures, we reflect on the beauty of a relaxed summer break. We also champion a friend's custom jewelry business, ANIN NYC, discuss the significance of birthstones, and look forward to post-pregnancy treats like spicy margaritas. With a touch of humor and heartfelt advice, we encourage you to take a self-care day and make the most of the remaining summer days before the busy season of September begins.
Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Dr. Bridget Melton, MD and licensed therapist Marissa Volinsky, MS, LPC, NCC. The contents of our podcast and website should not be taken as medical advice. The contents of our podcast and website are for general informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any condition or disease or substitute for medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician, mental health professional, or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before starting or discontinuing treatment.
If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or a crisis, please reach out immediately to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. These services are free and confidential.
Hello and welcome to our podcast. Welcome to our podcast. Psychotic P-U-S-S-Y. I'm high on sugar right now. We just came back from brunch so I'm buzzing. Yeah, unfortunately it's not from the mimosas.
Speaker 1:No, yeah, definitely no, mimosas.
Speaker 2:No, we're in jersey and it's breakfast, so there's no, uh, no drinking. So welcome to episode six of season two of our lovely podcast that I will wait an appropriate amount of time before I could say the name, because otherwise youtube bans us, or?
Speaker 1:something. It just won't. Let us uh put the episode out there oh, welcome to psychotic py podcast episode six.
Speaker 2:Like I said, I am 38 weeks. By the time this airs I will be 39 weeks. We're getting there for some of you thinking wow, she's been pregnant for three years, true feels like it aren't elephants like two years gestation, yeah, 22 to 24 months or something. Those brave mamas because 10 months imagine imagine horrible um, so yes, by the time this airs I'll be 39 weeks, probably like begging to go into labor. But who knows, I don't know, I I can't complain. It's not really that bad, I'm joking guys anyways.
Speaker 1:So we figured we'd discuss a topic that is hot in the news right now and give our perspectives and maybe dive into a little mental health aspect of it. So take it away pregnant mama.
Speaker 2:All right. So I know the Olympics ended two weeks ago. Everybody knows Imani Khalif. I'm sure they heard the story of the Algerian boxer who did end up winning gold. She was fighting Karini, the Algerian boxer who did end up winning gold. She was fighting Carini Her last name is Carini, an Italian boxer, and Carini withdrew from the match within 45 seconds and said she just didn't feel safe, which fair enough on her part. If you don't feel safe, you shouldn't compete. That's not the issue. The issue arises when you have certain celebrities, like it was, I think.
Speaker 2:Trump, jk Rowling and Elon Musk all hopped on X, formerly known as Twitter, and without any basis, said keep men out of women's sports. So this is what JK Rowling tweeted the smirk of a male who knows he's protected by a misogynist sporting establishment enjoying the distress of a woman he's just punched in the head. So Imani Khalif is a woman. She was born a woman. Also, transgenderism is illegal in Algeria, so she couldn't have been trans Born. A woman naturally has higher levels of testosterone, which, as we know, some people have genetic predispositions to these things, and it's fine. Some men have more estrogen, some women have more testosterone. So what we want to talk about is what is the line that we're drawing? Because the same thing happened with Kastor simenya way back when, like 20 years ago now, she was a sprinter who has naturally higher testosterone and they, you know, I think they may have stripped her of some titles, if I'm not mistaken. You know, because michael phelps has a bigger lung capacity and a longer wingspan, making him like a genetic swimming freak.
Speaker 2:That's a natural born advantage yes, basketball players are almost seven feet tall. That's a natural born advantage. Are we saying it's unfair that everyone has to be 5 10 and then you compete in the for basketball and then, of all the men who are average height, that's who gets to play. It's not you know. So where, where are we drawing the line here? Obviously, if it's. If people feel threatened and they think they're in danger, they definitely shouldn't compete, and that's fine, that's completely up to you. And even karini said like this is nothing, this is not a political statement. I just didn't personally feel safe, like I felt like I took a big blow to the head and I just thought maybe I should take a step back. Okay, and that's fine. Um, but are we saying that every athlete who has a genetic advantage should be looked at on the same scale? Cause that's not how we, that's not how we, we do it.
Speaker 1:So that's what we're talking about today. Yes, hearing like JK Rowling doing that with like no basis at all is kind of insane, cause she is kind of like the maker of my childhood, yeah, and it just that just seems really. I mean I don't know, was she having too much to drink at home and I don't know got? Just seems really. I mean I don't know, was she having too much to drink at home and I don't know got really bold on her phone? I don't know. But that's, that's horrible to say because obviously, as bridget mentioned, she just is born with naturally high testosterone um, not trans at all. So the implications it has on this, this poor woman is it's like, because there was no uh, apology issued, right no, not from these people, no so like now.
Speaker 1:of course we have no idea what happens behind the scenes, like if she was given a call personally or a DM, I don't know. By the looks of it, probably not and I think that's just like you to get on a social platform that everyone can see and to not have to like kind of eat your words and apologize and be the bigger person and a responsible adult. I mean, what are you showing younger generations? Like behaviors are just allowed, like that's just you could do whatever you want and it was just the.
Speaker 2:The three of them made such throwaway comments and it's like that's a real person seems like bullying to me. Yeah, like that's a real person's life. Like monica leaf is not a celebrity, she's just. You know, like most o, let's be honest, like you don't know the name of most Olympians. You know the big ones who represent your country and maybe a few other bigger wealthy countries. You don't know all they're amateur athletes. So this is just a female boxer, you know, from Algeria. You had never heard her name before.
Speaker 2:She has a life to go back to and to just make a throwaway comment like that, think of what that has done to her self-esteem. And you know then, because then everybody piles on those comments and send death threats and you know people in her life might be questioning, oh, is she trying? You know people who met her later in life, not as a child, might be like, oh, my god, I didn't know amani was like it's just, it's so effed up to just make a comment. You're a celebrity, so to you that means nothing, it's not going to affect your life at all, but to her that's her whole world.
Speaker 1:I think also like the death threats, um way over the top. You should not be allowed to do that. Like that's someone's life, whether you like what they are or not. Like even if she was trans. Like that doesn't, that does. You don't get to say, well, I'm gonna kill you. You know you don't get to do that. Yeah, completely.
Speaker 2:So yeah, we just want to kind of see if people could drop comments after how everyone feels about stuff like this. You know, should it be a case of her testosterone is checked before every major event because she was not allowed to compete in, like, the world boxing event leading up to the Olympics? However, she was able to qualify for the Olympics. So is there a different standard for each competition or is it just that it's the same standard and her testosterone is naturally fluctuating and it was safe enough for her to compete in the Olympics? We don't know, but let us know in the comments, like what you guys think, like what should be the standard, because medicine, healthcare, everything is so advanced now, like you could be like right on the spot, what is her testosterone levels at this moment? Should we be allowed to do that? I don't, I don't know. I mean, where do we draw the line and what line is? I won't say, is it harassing?
Speaker 1:Or should there be, should she be allowed to compete? But they have, like, higher testosterone women in their own category. Don't know if there are that many. Well, maybe there would be if they knew it wasn't like. So, like, as you saw, this is a big deal, it's a touchy subject. Would more people be willing if they knew they weren't going to be targets?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Also a different perspective as a mother if this was my daughter. That's so hurtful to hear Like my daughter is getting death threats over something that she has no control over. Yeah, that is. It's just really sad and I think we all need to remember on the online space that we all share to be kind, because everyone is a human and everyone is somebody's child, and this online bullying it just needs to stop. You're adults. This is just not a good look.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, it's so insane to just make. Because that's the problem with the internet, unfortunately, is you could just say anything and it's out there and no one's gonna prove or disprove. You know, only real, trusted news outlets are gonna do the digging and find the information.
Speaker 1:Brigitte is pausing because her necklace just broke. Yeah, that was so crazy. The necklace just like came off of me well, that was weird how did that happen? But anyway, I don't know. We'll focus on that later, but, um, there's like a trend going on tiktok right now I don't know if you've heard it where it's like they'll find things that are, um, you know good and they'll be like, oh, this is very demure, very mindful yeah, yeah so uh, jk rowling, not very demure of you, yeah not see how I'm being very demure, very mindful
Speaker 2:yes, I'm not cyber bullying right, I'm not making death threats, yes, yes, not very mindful of you, not very mindful, yeah, um, and then I agree with you like to not make a public apology, like we don't know what went on behind closed doors, but I'm sure I'll google it right now. Let's do it. I'll google it right now. We're doing it. No, so angela carini, the italian, did. I knew that already, like she. There's no intention behind it, but she apologized to her, no one else. Do Trump another?
Speaker 1:That's upsetting because you're adults, like they are celebrities and if people are looking to you, you have a huge following. So you really need to take accountability of your actions. It's okay to make a mistake. I'm not saying how dare you even make that mistake? You're human, You're effed up, but you do need to. Then. I actually just read guys.
Speaker 2:I just read on Reddit where someone said well, until I know all the facts, I'm not going to call her a female. And then someone wrote back to the Redditor yeah, but normally when you see a woman you call them a female.
Speaker 1:You don't need, I don't know like let me see your genetics.
Speaker 2:I know, are we going to start walking around with genetic that you were tested for your like genotype.
Speaker 1:That's so wild playground bullying at best. You know, this is schoolyard bully, right? This? Yeah, this is that's what it is.
Speaker 2:It's ridiculous oh my god, like why, all of a sudden, now everyone needs to be proven genotypically. I think just this is so wrong.
Speaker 1:We've gone so far I'm sorry, but I don't think enough of your mommies and daddies loved y'all um, because there'd be more kindness in this world.
Speaker 1:I know like because that's crazy to me. Wow, wow, wow, wow. That is wild, all right, like also what happened to the times like our mom was popular, like if you have to say she'd be like if you had nothing nice to say, you don't say it at all. Like there was a time where it was like very demure to have manners and it's like very mindful. And now people are just because of the internet, people are bold and it's just like if you have nothing nice to say don't say it, but they want to because you can shout into the void and no one's gonna disprove.
Speaker 2:You get a diary, people get diaries. Oh my god, that's what you used to do right.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's your void's your void.
Speaker 2:That is appropriate, then do whatever you want.
Speaker 1:You're not hurting anybody's feelings Maybe your own, but get a. All of you need diary and therapy for real and maybe better relationships with people who raised you.
Speaker 2:Diary might be the move. I think you're right about that. Yes, yes.
Speaker 1:I didn't really think about that and you could even do. You feel it's public, so you feel that get the release. You could get an online blog, make it private or sharing with only certain friends, that is like.
Speaker 2:Is that not an episode of the office where they just open up a word document for someone?
Speaker 1:That's definitely a. Thing.
Speaker 2:And he thinks he's a website.
Speaker 1:In therapy when I'm. This is a different topic but similar in a sense, where you're getting things out in the void. If they're trying to get away from a toxic ex and they can't stop always texting, I tell them to text themselves or write it in the notes so it still feels like it's going through and you're getting it out.
Speaker 2:That's that classic like write a letter to yourself thing, Like write a letter, never send it burn it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all the boys I've loved before. Yes, right, isn't that like we're losing these skills because social media has made it so popular to just throw all your opinions online. Not all of them are good. Not all of them are good vast majority I would say vast majority not that good, keep them to yourself yes, back to the diaries, remember we used to have that password, one where you had and you're like you can't steal it. You don't know the password.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you need the fingerprint I wish people were more secretive nowadays like now everyone thinks they have some, there's some philosopher, they have some great cutting edge thought you don't well, we're a now coming up or a generation of egocentrics, almost right, like, like, because the internet has made you all feel like your own celebrity in your own right. How many likes? What are you doing? What are you tagging? Who are you friends with? And I, and what trends are you keeping up with? How much? Because, like, for instance, a lot of people always are showing themselves traveling and a lot of people are really secretly poor. Yes, but it's a vision what people are showing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you you create your own life you want to portray, which, back in the day, used to just be how you styled your bedroom like. This is how I want to portray myself. Now. It is social media. People are oh my god, you're so right. People are like, oh, they're the perfect couple. Look at how everything's amazing. They go traveling. They always end up divorce these celebrity couples that you see. So how perfect is their life. What are they doing in the day today at home? Uh, jack shit is what they're doing, just like the rest of us. Nothing, oh my god I love.
Speaker 1:I actually like to follow the people who, um, like show you what influencers do to make you feel better. So this one time she made it, she was trying to reproduce, um, a thing that she had done previously before. She was helping de-influence and she was, like, I want to show you like my life wasn't perfect. So she I used to even look at this photo, be like, wow, that's amazing, I wish I had that money. She, like went to niagara falls and then it made it look like her bed was on the water, like, and that the headboard was all glass. But then she deconstructed it and showed that she moved all the table and everything, like her bed was in the back, like where a normal hotel is, and she may put the bed and her and her partner are very thin. It was a big square table. They laid on it, they put the blankets, they staged the pillows to make it look like a bed. But it was.
Speaker 1:She literally made the bed herself, the whole bed, constructed off the table they eat on. She did not have a view of that off of her bed and it just goes to show you that before she was on this whole I'm gonna be a d influencer she was making people feel really bad and also how the people are probably seeking out this room and it doesn't exist I do love the d influencing trend.
Speaker 2:Just because you're so right, it makes people feel like, like, like if you de-influence and I'm like, okay, so everything is obtainable and and fake. Like you know what I mean. There's equal parts obtainable goals and equal parts fake, and I just I'm always mind blown, but I guess influencing was my job, I would put that much effort in.
Speaker 1:I guess, but you also have to remind yourself when you're having a bad day. They're called the 1% for a reason, right, Because they're really the minority. So if you start to see everyone on your for you page, even people you went to high school with, looking like they're 1%ers, it's impossible. Statistics say you know there's only 1%. So and if really, honestly, I could go on Instagram today and almost everybody I follow it makes it look like they're all millionaires I know they're not. Yeah, I do know that I have friends that are doing well maybe upper middle class, but not really far beyond that yeah, and it always feels like everyone's traveling now they.
Speaker 1:Well, I will say this see, I only post, and maybe this I'm a victim too. I only post important memories to me for me to keep like an album, like of the kids. I only do holidays or big trips, so maybe it's because I only post that it seems that way. Um, I can't speak for those who post non-stop and it's all trips, but like, I only post when I have trips or holidays see, and I actually if I'm like away, I don't post because I'm like I don't want to be on my phone, I don't always post them right away, yeah, for safety.
Speaker 2:Sometimes I like it that way, I don't want you to be able to stalk me. Yeah, no, I totally agree with that. I just like won't take photos, like I just don't. So people are like oh, you went away.
Speaker 1:I'm like oh, yeah, oh. I don't always post, obviously, all of them, but sometimes I like to take photos because me and my little anxiety. I'm always like what if I'm in the future and I have dementia and I want to see my memories with my husband and kids, so I like always take way too many oh, that's cute.
Speaker 2:That's where your son gets it from always like what if I'm the?
Speaker 1:what if I know that I, as a therapist, I know I need to work on that? Um, but yeah, but I'm not hurting anybody like these bullies, I'm not hurting anybody.
Speaker 2:So we're just gonna kind of like talk about the mental health aspects, about like what this has done to, although now that she's a gold medal winner I'm sure she's very happy. Apparently she went home to a hero's welcome in algeria, which is amazing, so I'm sure she's, like you know, kind of like that alana mar the um, you know, the american rugby sevens player, or maybe just rugby player. She was like you know, I don't care what you say, because at the end of the day, I'm the one with a medal and I'm an olympian and I feel great. So hopefully monocleaf is also feeling like that. I hope so, but there are definitely mental health implications.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely. Depression, self-esteem issues, suicidal ideations. The problem is, even if she says she's doing great, we don't really know right. Only she knows that. And what I say, even in couples therapy don't say something in a fight you can't take back and that's something your partner will ruminuminate about, even if they don't tell you. In their mind for the rest of their life they will always think they thought this about me or because it's something you. You cannot take back. Your words you can apologize, but sometimes that doesn't matter, it's already in their mind. They're all.
Speaker 2:This is already their self-doubting thought, and it's something they very likely were already self-conscious about it. It always is Because you know your partner's weakness. Okay, so Imani Khalifa, let's say we're projecting here, but let's imagine that she's very tall, very tall and I would say has sharp features, yeah, which I mean models do too and we idolize models.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we love them so what's the difference really?
Speaker 2:Just because she chose?
Speaker 2:boxing, really just because she chose boxing, because we're not sexualizing her, she's not something that men can, exactly because she's a tough ass boxer, yeah, so let's imagine she grew up thinking you know, I am kind of tall and I do have pretty big muscles and I'm a boxer, so I'm a bit self-conscious. Like you know, she jokes with her friends maybe like I look like a man, you know, but her friends like no, you don't. Girl, amani, you good. Now, people she's never met have seen her on tv and the first thing that they tweeted was that she's a man. All of that insecurity is flooding bubbling to the surface.
Speaker 1:Oh, my god, here's the worst part. What if she would grew up really idolizing harry potter? What if, again, we're projecting? What if she was the kid that, like that, got her through some of the toughest times and then an author you love came out and said that nasty shit and didn't apologize for it? That's, I think that's. Even that makes it worse if it's someone you cared about.
Speaker 2:Yeah and it's the fact that she never hurt them. She never talked about these people. They're just random celebrities with a lot of influence punching down on just an amateur boxer from algeria, that's so sad.
Speaker 1:That's. You know what they need. They all need therapy.
Speaker 2:That's why yeah, it's just like they work on themselves, and to a lot of people it's just another snippet in the news, but to her that that has changed her life.
Speaker 1:I do feel bad. We need to send her like a basket of care.
Speaker 2:I know that we're sorry for our fellow Americans, oh, my god, she's so, so sad and Brits JK Rowling's, but yeah, yeah, I forgot Sorry.
Speaker 1:Every time I just I just assumed Harry Potter. Yeah, you're right, your husband could take her.
Speaker 2:Isn't Elon Musk like Croatian? I don't even know so yeah, no, I think.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's kind of. It's just hurtful and there's a lot of mental health implications that people don't even realize or care to realize. And it is, it is going to affect her for the rest of her life. She's not going to forget this, no way.
Speaker 2:Never going to forget it and you're so right about those things that, like a partner says it doesn't even have to be a partner. Sometimes it's like a friend, yeah, yeah. Do you ever like hear something like, oh, so-and-so said this about you? You know, like when you're in high school and you're like they cut me yeah it's like something that you really will think about.
Speaker 2:I have some comments like that. They're're not. I will tell you if they can came. If they came to my head right now, I would tell you them. You have some.
Speaker 1:I don't want to. You know my kids might listen to this one day. I don't want to. Yeah, sorry they were. I could tell you that I was cut deep and that I ruminated about them like the whole school year.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Cause I definitely have some that like they're just not coming to me right voice and as I'm getting ready and I go out, even when I'm about, I'm like, wow, I look really hot tonight. This is a great outfit, a good new outfit. That thought will pop up and immediately self-esteem gone right before I walk out the door. So, it still affects me to this day.
Speaker 2:I don't wear eyeliner because Geri said that she didn't like it on me. How silly is that? Is that like I'll let a professional makeup artist do it on me? I like it on you, but I never wear eyeliner because she'll be always like they make your eyes look too small. Oh, oh yeah. How weird is that so I. I barely know how to put eyeliner on because I just don't do but like I said, like a professional, I'll let them do it.
Speaker 1:It looks good of their look, but I will. I don't even own eyeliner, so ran, I know you just like you just remember those things yeah, yeah, no, because Geri listens to our podcast.
Speaker 2:No we love you?
Speaker 1:No, we're not ragging on, jerry, let's pick someone else. But, um, so yeah. So those things, they will come up, your brain does remember them and sometimes they change it into your own internal personal voice and, yes, your brain will bring it up in a situation where it's very similar or spot on of your insecurity, where it's very similar or spot on of your insecurity. So, yeah, she's going to remember this for the rest of her life.
Speaker 2:I'm happy she didn't let it affect her boxing, though, and she still won, because she easily could have been like, do I need to downplay my skills now? Yeah, that's a good one. You know what I mean. Like, do I have to change how I box and how I present myself? Do I need to start looking more feminine in the press conferences? But she didn't, and she just continued being herself and she won. So I like that happy ending. Yeah, no, I like that for her as well. That's good Wow.
Speaker 1:James, did she just SpongeBob laugh? But no, I'm happy for her Congratulations, so yeah, so let us really know how you think about this topic.
Speaker 2:It's a divisive one. It is.
Speaker 1:It is, but you have to remember people, kindness, kindness matters. They're human beings. Like, we all have feelings. And again, she's somebody's child. Like would you, if you're really struggling with empathy, can you at least think like what if this was your daughter? Mm-hmm, come on, like that, that's awful.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely yeah. You got to put yourself in other people's shoes and think, oh my God, imagine, everyone has gotten like a random DM or a comment, a reply, and this is just one. And you know how it feels that pit in your stomach when you're like someone disagrees with me.
Speaker 1:You know.
Speaker 2:So now, imagine someone being like kill yourself. Man Like that's rad.
Speaker 1:Also, like more than one death threat. That's kind of scary. Yeah, that's definitely gonna mess with you, and the fact that she could still pull off winning gold impressive. Honestly, she's mentally strong. I'll give her that. Oh yeah, algerian a good stock. Yeah, um, but yeah, no, I feel like you know how, like when you grow up and they give you like a home ec cooking, all that like we need, like, um, how to be kind class social media etiquette for you losers, I'm sorry that was funny the way he said it also stop being a bully.
Speaker 1:So no, I think maybe that would be good and and a partial kindness section in there, because these things you cannot take these back. People don't realize. At least when we did awful things like you remember, like shows would show be like I hate nick. I wish nick was dead in your diary. But you're not hurting anybody because no one is seeing it and you can take it back. Just rip the page out. Yep, that's fine, I get it. People do need outlets. I'm not saying don't have an outlet, but maybe a personal, private outlet yeah, definitely.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, please drop comments. Let us know what you think. How, maybe, how sports can change to accommodate for things like this. Now that we're able to, I mean, we're just better finely tuned and picking this stuff up now they get tested for, like everything, olympians yeah so let us know what you think, yeah, um anything else we want to talk about today.
Speaker 1:Well, how has your time been since you've arrived in the good old usa?
Speaker 2:yeah, it's actually been really good. So everyone knows like the weather is better here than in england. Sorry england, sorry sorry your pinballs are probably listening to this. It's, the weather is just warmer. I'm not gonna say it's objectively better, because some people like chilly weather.
Speaker 1:Well for me I like england all that because of the way they have older buildings and everything, and like we're talking about weather I know, but we're talking what's objectively better, not neither, okay, well I'm saying the weather I I in my opinion, is better, but it's not objectively.
Speaker 2:Some people like cold weather, so it's subjectively better for me. But it's been great. Ted is here. He's been here since friday, so it's only been a few days and it's great. Like we went to the boardwalk and walked the beach. He felt the water. Um, yeah, it's been really nice and I'm like are you enjoying it? Like because it's like a summer all over again for him.
Speaker 2:Um, and now it's like without work, you know it's like kids on vacation. Yeah, it's like summer break, I know, so we're trying to make the most of it. We're trying to do everything we can do before the child comes, um, so I'm talking like beach days, like going down to Kate May maybe, yeah, just like, yeah, just like we took your kid to the boardwalk, you know, we're just trying to do like fun kiddie stuff in the sun as much as I can. I want to get tan but just want to expand.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're trying to keep her, you know, feet elevated, yeah so, yeah, it's been really, really nice just being like back, and it's weird because usually we're here for like a wedding or something, so it's like rush, rush, rush, rush, rush and like you see your family kind of quickly. But it's been really nice to just be like oh, I'm here for like four months, like I'm just chilling now. Yes, I mean. Well, I'm not chilling, I'm about to have a baby, but is it strange?
Speaker 1:that you're now living in your sister's childhood room no, I thought it would be weird.
Speaker 2:It's actually, it's not different. It's yeah, it's totally different now, and it's not been weird at all like we just no, it's been nice, nice yeah nice, yeah, yeah, all right, so no complaints everything's been really smooth sailing. I'm hopefully not jinxing myself, um, but everything has been okay. I would just say that, like because I'm an obstetrician, it's like the more I think about labor, the more worried I'm becoming, and the best thing would be for me to just like go into labor so I don't have time to think about it anymore.
Speaker 1:Like the the ruminating will kill me. You're almost there, so don't speed it up, and your belly is dropping appropriately. So we're good.
Speaker 2:We're probably gonna be a right on time baby, so that would be nice. We need september, because I've already. Oh, shout out to um. I don't know how they pronounce this now. So my friend, anna, and her friend from work have made um their own online jewelry company. They spell it a-n-i-n. Anine. Anin, how would you pronounce it? That's your. You should know this. I know I should have asked her. You should apologize. I'm sorry, anna, but but everyone should a-n-i-n. That's how you spell it. I'm almost positive, and that's. Everyone should look them up on instagram.
Speaker 1:No, it is I hope you didn't pay for the sponsorship. This is an awful, I know this I'm.
Speaker 2:So this is off the cuff. I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared, but anna is making me a custom, so it's all custom jewelry, um, and they will do ANIN, yeah, a-n-i-n, yeah, and in nyc, okay, cool, yeah, um. So it's custom jewelry and we need to get this baby out in september because, uh, sapphire is involved in my custom jewelry and that is obviously the birthstone for September. So Ted's like, don't go early. I'm like I'll have to cancel my ring order.
Speaker 1:He's like that's what you're worried about.
Speaker 2:I'm like I have a ring coming.
Speaker 1:So uh, yeah.
Speaker 2:So, but anyway, any, if you have any um bracelets, necklace, earrings, rings, any jewelry you want custom made. If you ever thought that'd be so cool and then when you Google it you can't find exactly what you want, they do all completely custom gemstones, diamonds, anything for a very reasonable price. So look them up. A-n-i-n. New York is the it's anninnyc on Instagram, so everyone, please use them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, awesome, uh, instagram, so everyone please use them. Awesome, okay, well, I guess we got to join the ladies on the patio with their Arizona hard ice teas.
Speaker 2:Oh yes, the ladies on the patio are our husbands. We just came back from brunch, obviously, like we said, sober, and they immediately came back and were like drinks on the patio, like they are living their best lives.
Speaker 1:They are I'm so jealous I'm going to. I'm going to have a drink soon. What would be?
Speaker 2:your go-to first drink Spicy margarita. Spicy margarita, Whoa you said that.
Speaker 1:I mean, I didn't get to finish my question, I think about it all the time, and I don't drink a lot.
Speaker 2:Do you dream about it? Probably, I probably have Spicy margarita. Let's licking my shoulder, the thing is I want like a spicy margarita, like in Cabo, Like.
Speaker 1:I want to just go away, you'll be healing and bleeding and crying, but I can dream While you pump.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I just like. Just send me spicy margaritas, guys. Or, if you're from the area, okay, if you're from Ocean or Monmouth, drop us the best restaurant where you got like best spicy margs. Let me know honestly, because I have a list in my head, but I'm curious of ours line up. So send me your recommendations for spicy margaritas for real, because I'm doing a tour. I'm doing a tour, I'm doing a margarita tour. I'm just touring.
Speaker 1:Well, when we do the trolley with our family at Thanksgiving, are you going to be like oh, spicy margs, it's, it's, bring your own. On the trolley it is. I thought we were dropping up ours. It's a food tour that you bring your own. So I am bringing spicy margs, shake, shake, shake. Yeah, for sure, all right. Well, with that, please like subscribe be our friend.
Speaker 2:Psychotic py podcast. Please let us know what you think about gender in in sports and how we can handle it more appropriately. And spicy mark recommendations thank you.
Speaker 1:Oh, we totally missed Geri's segment. We spoke to her today, though she was with us, so let's give a little gem from Geri real quick. What did she give us today?
Speaker 2:what a value? Did she tell us, yeah, has jerry done anything?
Speaker 1:yeah, have you done anything? Have you done anything about um, wait, wait. She definitely said something cool today, right?
Speaker 2:I mean she mostly says something cool. She had a very busy morning. She had her physical therapy and then they took in two death calls at the funeral home. Unfortunately, she was busy, busy, busy. Still made it to brunch, though.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she did like 95 on the parkway. Girl turned into a speed racer Like I don't think even a private helicopter ride could have beaten her.
Speaker 2:I was so impressed. I was like, oh, it's like 1140 and our brunch was 1130. I was like nice.
Speaker 1:Well, what I can tell you is then, from what Geri's perspective, is that as soon as Bridget pops his kid out, jerry is going to adopt and take that child on like it's her new job, her new project. Oh yeah, this is my child now For sure. Well, we don't know if it might have a Geri nose, right? Oh, my god, don't say that. Nope, everybody loves Geri's nose on Geri, yeah, on Geri, exactly because it fits Geri's face. We don't know. All we know is that in the ultrasound the nose looks big.
Speaker 2:I thought it did. No one said it did, but I was like, oh that schnoz. But you have got full lips right. Yeah. Yeah, the lips look nice. I don't know how accurate, you know, but I was like, damn, those lips look plush you imagine, like baby michael jr pops out. Oh my god, no, michael's, our brother, no, we love you, though I love you but the big lips.
Speaker 1:He was a good toddler though. He was so cute, very cute. Sorry about that haircut that you had, but anyway. So please like, subscribe to psychotic py podcast and do something for yourselves. You know, have a self-care day. Relax. It's end of summer, like, enjoy. And once September comes, local summer, you know, enjoy it oh God yeah, because we definitely will be.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you will find me in this bump on the beach until I deliver, and then after, even in her diaper, she will be on that beach. Oh, that's okay. Actually, I'll leave you with this humbling thought I was in Target yesterday and bought adult diapers for my postpartum journey and I walked out without a bag, just adult diapers in my hands. No shame. I'll leave you with that.
Speaker 1:Boom. All right, have a good summer yeah.
Speaker 2:Hags, bye, bye.